Recent Events

Upcoming Events

(Mr. Bharat Bhatia)
President of ITU-APT


Mr. Bharat Bhatia
President of ITU-APT

The ITU-APT Foundation of India (IAFI) is a non-profit, non-political society; IAFI is working for the last 20
years in India with the prime objective of active involvement of telecom sector in the activities of the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT). The society has been
registered with the shregistrar of the societies with its secretariat working at New Delhi.


ITU-APT Corporate Members

Partners Association

Devusinh Chauhan, MoS for communications (Govt of India) Chief Guest at ISMC 22

Shri Anil Kumar Lahoti
Chairman TRAI

Mr. Mario Maniewicz
Director Radiocommunication Bureau, ITU

Mr. Bharat Bhatia
India Mobile Congress 2024

Mr. Bharat Bhatia
3rd India Spectrum Management Conference

Bharat Bhatia
5G as a game changer-RSTV